Transcrição do Mapa Mental sobre Pontuação em Inglês
. Full Stop
End a sentence
Mary rode her bike to the playground
, Comma
Separate items in a list
I like reading books, listening to music, and studying English.
Show a break in a sentence
As the day came to an end, the fire fighters put out the last spark.
? Question Mark
Ask a question
Where are you from?
! Exclamation Mark
Emphasis a strong feeling
Wow! Today has been awesome!
; Semi-Colon
Link elements of a sentence
My daughter is a teacher; my son is a doctor.
: Colon
Introduce a list
You have two choices: finish the work today or lose the contract.
” ” Quotation Marks
Show what is said
“I work in Italy” said Jimmy.
‘ Apostrophe
Show ownership or missing letters
Sean’s performance at school has greatly improved.
They’re going to the movies tonight.
( ) Brackets
Set off less important details
The two brothers (Richard and Sean) were learning how to play guitar.
… Ellipsis
Show that parts of sentences are left out
To be continues…
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